Selasa, 05 Januari 2010



1.Internet savvy
Internet used to mean as computer network of extent and big that universalizes, which is link computer user of a state goes to worldwide other state, where in it available information resource sort of still beginning until dynamic one and interactive.
2. Internet history
Emergence history following and Internet developing.
Internet history is started in 1969 while American Defense Departments, U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) decide to arrange riset about how to links a number computer so form organic network. This riset's program is known by the name of ARPANET. On 1970, have is more than 10 successful computer linked each other so they can mutually get communication and forming one network.
Year 1972, Roy Tomlinson successfuling to perfect email program that it creates one year last for ARPANET. Program this email so easy so direct as popular. On same year, icon @juga is introduced as device of essential that points out "at" or "on". Year 1973, ARPANET'S computer network start out been developed United States Of America. University College's computer at London constitutes first aught computer outside America that becomes Arpanet's network member. On same year, two computer experts namely Vinton Cerf and Bouffant Kahn Mempresentasikan one idea which is even greater, one that as cikal forthcoming Internet thinking. This IDE dipresentasikan for the first time it at Sussex's University.
Next historic day is date 26th March 1976, while is successful English Queen send email of Signals And's Prodigal Establishment's Radar at Malvern. One year then, have is more than 100 conjoined computer at ARPANET forms one network or network. On 1979, Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis and Steve Bellovin, creating newsgroups first that given by USENET'S name. Year 1981 France Telecom creates blows by blast off first television telephone, where can person mutually call up while be engaged link's video.
Since computer that form network getting day more and more, therefore needed one avowed official protocol by all network. On year 1982 formed Transmission Control Protocol or TCP and Protocol or IP Internet that we knows all. In the meantime at computers network emerging Europe tandingan that recognised with Eunet, one that provide computer network service at Dutch states, England, Denmark and Swedish. Eunet's network provide email service and newsgroup USENET.
To uniform address at aught computer network, therefore on year 1984 introduced by domain name systems, one that now we know with DNS or Domain Name System. Computer that most ties on aught network was overshot 1000 more computers. On 1987 total computer those are tacked on goes to melonjak's network 10 times over becomes 10.000 more.
Year 1988, Jarko Oikarinen from Finland finds and altogether introduce IRC or Relay's Internet Chats. One year then, total interrelates computer melonjak's back 10 deep times overs one year. No less than 100.000 computer are now form one networks. Year 1990 is the most year historic, while is berners Lee's Team find editor program and browser what do can browsing among one computer with another computer, one that form that network. Program this is so-called www, or Worl Wide Is Web.
Year 1992, mutually computer tacking on to form network has wented behind a million computers, and at same year arises the's surfing terminology Internet. Year 1994, internet site was growing as 3000 page addresses, and for the first time virtual shopping or e retail arises at Internet. Changed direct the world. At Yahoos same year! instituted, one that also at a swoop Navigator Netscape natal 1.0.

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